I offer a range of governance support including:


I train trustees (new and experienced), trustee boards, chairs of trustees, chief executives and others interested in governance. Courses can be provided face-to-face or online.

Either open courses (https://www.civilsociety.co.uk/training.html ) or courses carefully tailored to the needs of a specific charity or a specific group of people.

Governance reviews
This can range from carrying out full, in-depth reviews to supporting charities carrying out their own reviews. Advice and recommendations are supported, where appropriate, with practical assistance such as providing relevant documentation (e.g. terms of reference for committees, role descriptions). All reviews are tailored to the needs of the charity.

Governance Health Checks
Shorter than a governance review, a governance health check will look at areas such as: reviewing current governing document (s), composition of the board and method of recruitment, how the board operates, board committee structure, processes underpinning good financial governance etc

Independent chair of a governance review committee
There are times, when a charity wants to carry out its own governance review but wants to ensure objectivity by having an external independent chair of their governance review committee.

Board effectiveness reviews
Board effectiveness reviews can range from full, in-depth reviews to supporting boards carrying out their own effectiveness reviews. Reviews can include: designing of questionnaires; preparing questions for face-to-face or telephone interviews; carrying out interviews with each trustee and others (under Chatham House Rules); analysing feedback; writing report with recommendations; facilitating workshop to consider the report and to agree the way forward; tracking results and effectiveness over time.

Independent member of appointments panel
It often helps to have an independent, objective, dispassionate person to assist when appointing a new chief executive or chair of trustees.

Appraising chief executives
Helping boards to appraise their chief executive by gathering, collating, analysing confidential feedback and recommending steps to be taken to develop the chief executive and to help make the chief executive even more effective.

Help with documentation
Writing of specifically tailored governance documents such as a trustee handbook, specific board policies, job descriptions, terms of reference for board committees etc.

Listening ear
One-to-one confidential support and advice for chairs of trustees and chief executives on governance matters.

What Else I do

Where possible, I’m happy to speak about governance or governance related matters at conferences, seminars, workshops, meetings of networks etc.

I was the editor of ‘Governance: essential information for effective trustees’ , and remained so for almost eleven years (July 2005 – January 2016). I loved every aspect of this role.


I’’m happy to share experience and expertise through writing of articles or guides. Publications I have written:
